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Search results for epsilon,3234 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3234
Translated headword: he served as general with Erasinades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In reference to the unfortunate.[1] From those who served as generals at Arginnousa [sic], to their misfortune. This man was publicly executed, both he and the remainder: Thrasyllos, Perikles[2] and the rest. And something rather extraordinary happened to Erasinades: being prosecuted for embezzling the monies to do with the Hellespont.
Greek Original:*)estrath/ghse met' *)erasina/dou: e)pi\ tw=n dustuxw=n. e)k tw=n peri\ *)argi/nnousan strathghsa/ntwn dustuxw=s. a)pe/qane de\ dhmo- si/a| ou(=to/s te kai\ oi( u(pomei/nantes *qra/sullos, *periklh=s kai\ oi( loipoi/. e)ge/neto de/ ti kai\ peritto/teron tw=| *)erasina/dh|, to\ kai\ kloph=s kathgorhqh=nai tw=n peri\ *(ellh/sponton xrhma/twn.
The headword phrase is from
Frogs 1196 (web address 1) -- where however the proper form of the general's name is given: see under
epsilon 2895 -- and the entry as a whole was generated by ancient scholarly comment on it. The play was staged in the same year, 406 BCE, as the sea-battle between Athenian and Peloponnesian fleets at the
Arginousai islands, off
Lesbos; it was "a victory for the Athenians, but this was marred by the failure to pick up survivors from their crippled ships, when a storm arose" (OCD(4) s.v.). Most of the Athenian generals in command either went into exile or were tried and executed -- a trial precipitated by a prosecution of one of their number, Erasinides (sic), for embezzlement (see in full on this
Hellenika 1.7.1ff.: web address 2). Other references to this episode appear at
alpha 3764,
alpha 3778,
delta 234,
epsilon 2658,
kappa 1021.
[1] The phrase is not independently attested as a proverb (as this phrase implies).
[2] Son of the famous bearer of that name: see under
pi 1178.
Donald Kagan, The Fall of the Athenian Empire (Ithaca NY 1987) chaps. 13-14
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 September 2000@09:18:21.
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