*)esto/resen: e)/strwsen. oi( a)/nemoi paraxrh=ma e)ko/pasan, kai\ to\ ku=ma e)store/sqh: pneu=ma de\ kekrime/non kata\ pru/mnan e)pe/rrei kai\ ta\ i(sti/a e)plh/rou.
[1] Headword and gloss are both aorist indicative active, third person singular, from
store/nnumi, the former an epic/poetic form and the latter a more common one. The headword is probably quoted from
Odyssey 3.158 (web address 1), to judge by the
scholia there; alternatively 14.50. Up to this point the entry follows Apollonius,
Homeric Lexicon 77.33,
Synagoge epsilon876; cf.
Lexicon Gudianum 543.18, and
Hesychius epsilon6420 (the same two verbs in the plural).
Aelian fr. 84 Hercher (87c-d Domingo-Forasté); again, with slight differences, at
sigma 637. Here the headword verb appears in the aorist indicative passive, third person singular. That form is glossed in the next entry (
epsilon 3231), so it is possible that this quotation was originally intended for that entry.
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