[Meaning] the one who issues invitations to entertainment and partying.[1] But the diners are [called] banqueters.[2]
*(estia/twr: o( ei)s eu)wxi/an kai\ eu)frosu/nhn kalw=n. daitumo/nes de\ oi( a)risthtai/.
Synagoge epsilon873;
Lexicon epsilon2027. Adler also cites the
Ambrosian Lexicon (2089) as a comparison. Apparently the point is that the headword might be taken to refer to the receiver of hospitality rather than the giver.
[1] This part of the entry also appears, inter alia, at
Hesychius epsilon6400. Compare the different tradition (but along the same substantive lines) in Harpokration s.v. (citing
Demosthenes 39.7) "the one who lays out a table for certain people":
[2] cf.
delta 129.
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