*(estiatorei=on: to\ trape/zion.
Comparable entry, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon (2125). In ps.-
Zonaras 880.24 the same headword is glossed with
deipnoklhto/rion, 'dinner-invitation'. Otherwise this
-orei=on form is found only in grammarians. For the
-o/rion form see e.g.
Herodotus 4.35.4 (Ionic),
Pausanias 5.15.12.
[1] Strictly speaking a
trape/zion should be a "little table" (diminutive of
tau 906), but in late Greek the distinction disappears. From its use as a gloss here it may be that the lexicographer is thinking that the term means "table-room", but that usage is not attested elsewhere.
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