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Search results for epsilon,3213 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3213
Translated headword: Hestiades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the priestesses,[1]
... whom Helena the mother of Constantine the Great, after finding the holy and precious cross and raising a church on the tomb of the Lord, proclaimed in writing that the virgins in the precincts of prayer should also be provided with food out of the public [purse]. Having accomplished these things and lived for some eighty years, she died. And her son buried her body in the imperial [tombs] in Rome.[2]
"I would not say that they are hiding anything secret, as the Vestals [hide] the fire."[3]
Greek Original:*(estia/des: ai( i(e/reiai, a(\s *(ele/nh h( mh/thr *kwnstanti/nou tou= mega/lou meta\ to\ a)neurei=n ta\ a(/gia kai\ ti/mia cu/la, kai\ nao\n a)negei/rasa e)n tw=| ta/fw| tou= kuri/ou, ta\s parqe/nous e)n toi=s eu)kthri/ois a)nagra/yasa shkoi=s sith/seis te au)tai=s e)k tou= dhmosi/ou e)pixorhgei=sqai parekeleu/sato. tau=ta diapracame/nh kai\ o)gdoh/konta/ pou biw/sasa xro/nous to\n bi/on metalla/ttei. o( de\ ui(o\s au)th=s e)n toi=s kata\ th\n *(rw/mhn basilei/ois to\ sw=ma au)th=s e)kh/deusen. ou)de\n a)ei\ fai/hn a)po/rrhto/n ti kru/ptein au)tou/s, w(/sper ta\s *(estia/das to\ pu=r.
[1] Likewise in ps.-
Zonaras (who ignores the rest of the entry). 'Hestiades' -- always plural -- was the Greek term for the Romans' Vestal Virgins; see under
alpha 4413,
nu 515.
[2] The main part of this entry comes from a biographical source on Helena (
epsilon 789), mother of the emperor Constantine the Great (
kappa 2284). It is unidentifiable in this precise form, though the final sentence ('Having accomplished etc.') summarizes
Life of Constantine 3.46.1-47.1. The relative pronoun
a(\s connects the passage awkwardly to the apparently unrelated note on the Hestiades.
Dion 5.18-19 (PG 66.1128a). Read
ou)d’ a)\n fai/hn.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; law; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 4 November 2005@13:36:34.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (modified translation, other cosmetics) on 4 November 2005@20:02:01.
David Whitehead (further tweaks to translation; augmented notes; modified keywords) on 5 November 2005@06:46:59.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 1 November 2012@05:29:18.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 17 February 2016@05:29:57.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 31 December 2017@23:26:13.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation and note) on 1 January 2018@01:30:27.
Catharine Roth (rearranged notes) on 1 January 2018@12:57:42.
No. of records found: 1
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