[Meaning] up to the time when.
Appian [writes]: "they kept stoning her until she was buried with her injuries."[1]
Also [sc. found is the phrase] e)ste\ u(mei=s ["you (plural) are"].[2]
*)/este: me/xris ou(=. *)appiano/s: e)li/qoun au)th/n, e)/ste titrwskome/nh katexw/sqh. kai\ e)ste\ u(mei=s.
The entry illustrates the relative adverb
e)/ste (as in
epsilon 3203) and, differently accented, the verb
e)ste/ (second person plural present of
[1] Appian,
Basilica 4; more fully (and with a different verb for stoning) at
lambda 512.
[2] Presumably quoted from somewhere, but too commonplace to track down.
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