Search results for epsilon,3194 in Adler number:
Headword: *(espo/menos Adler number: epsilon,3194 Translated headword: having followed Vetting Status: high Translation:
[Meaning] accompanying.
Greek Original:
*(espo/menos: e)pakolouqw=n.
The headword is aorist participle, masculine nominative singular of e(/pomai (a verb cognate with Latin sequor). It is probably quoted from Homer, Iliad 13.570; cf. the scholia there. Compare also the scholia on Iliad 1.158, where e(spo/meq' occurs, and Hesychius s.v. e(spo/meqa and e(po/menoi.
See also epsilon 2091, epsilon 4056, epsilon 4058, epsilon 4071, epsiloniota 174.