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Search results for epsilon,3170 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3170
Translated headword: inner man
Vetting Status: high
Translation: According to the Apostle the soul [is called this];[1] [as opposed to] the body, [which is called the] outer man. For sometimes our whole being is signified by a part; as in, "I will pour out from my spirit upon all flesh."[2] And
Moses addressing the people from Israel: "in 75 souls your fathers went down into Egypt."[3]
Greek Original:*)/esw a)/nqrwpos: kata\ to\n *)apo/stolon h( yuxh/: e)/cw a)/nqrwpos, to\ sw=ma. e)/sq' o(/te ga\r a)po\ me/rous to\ su/mpan h(mi=n dhlou=tai zw=|on: w(s e)n tw=|, e)kxew= a)po\ tou= pneu/mato/s mou e)pi\ pa=san sa/rka. kai\ *mwse/a prosdialego/menon toi=s e)c *)israh/l, e)n o# kai\ e# yuxai=s kate/bhsan oi( pate/res sou ei)s *ai)/gupton.
[1] Romans 7:22; 2 Corinthians 4:16.
[2] Joel 3:1 (= Adler's '2:28').
[3] Deuteronomy 10:22.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 November 2001@00:46:44.
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