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Search results for epsilon,3122 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3122
Translated headword: Esdriabos, Esdriavus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proper name. 'Esdriabos was appointed spokesman for everyone and spoke as follows'.
Greek Original:*)esdri/abos: o)/noma ku/rion. o( de\ *)esdri/abos u(pe\r pa/ntwn katasta\s e)/lece ta/de.
kappa 785, where the name is given as Esdriaugos (or Esdriavgos); but either way both he and this quotation are unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; definition
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 December 2002@04:22:13.
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