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Search results for epsilon,3121 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3121
Translated headword: Esdras, Ezra
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man lived during the reign of Xerxes, the king of the Persians,[1] becoming supremely learned in law; [it was he] who memorized the writings of the books which had not been discovered, and transmitted them to the people of his nation.[2] And Esther,[3] who happened to be of the Judaean nation, obtained royal status with Artaxerxes, who was called Makrokheir ["long-hand"]. This Esther attached to herself those who were associated with her by race, among whom [was] Mardokhaios [Mordechai], who revealed the plot to Artaxerxes.
Greek Original:*)/esdras: ou(=tos e)pi\ *ce/rcou h)=n, tou= *persw=n basile/ws, nomomaqh\s a)/ristos geno/menos: o(\s tw=n mh\ eu(reqe/ntwn bibli/wn ta\s grafa\s a)namnhmoneu/sas pare/dwke toi=s tou= e)/qnous. *)esqh/r te *)ioudai+kou= ge/nous tugxa/nousa th\n basi/leion timh\n e)ke/kthto para\ *)artace/rch|, o(\s e)klh/qh *makro/xeir. au(/th h( *)esqh\r tou\s pro\s ge/nos au)th=| w)|keiwme/nous prosepoiei=to, e)n oi(=s kai\ *mardoxai=os, o(\s th\n e)piboulh\n mhnu/ei tw=| *)artace/rch|.
Mid C5 BCE.
[1] For Xerxes see generally
xi 54.
[2] The exact source of the material so far is indeterminable (It is probably accidental that the phrase 'transmitted (something) to the people of his nation' is extant only once elsewhere, in John of
Antioch: see under
mu 406); however, 'memorized the writings etc.', including the clumsy-sounding phrase
tw=n mh\ eu(reqe/ntwn bibli/wn, is what both John Malalas and George Cedrenus say of Ezra.
[3] For Esther, and what now follows generally, see
epsilon 3139.
Keywords: biography; chronology; history; law; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 September 2005@01:13:55.
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