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Search results for epsilon,304 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,304
Translated headword: wilfully doing wrong
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] intentionally choosing evil.[1]
Appian [writes]: "the army was unwilling to obey the general because of a grudge. They intentionally fought badly and fled, bandaging their bodies as if they had been wounded. They destroyed their tents and tried to retreat, accusing the general of inexperience."[2]
And elsewhere: "[they were] intentionally doing harm to him for many reasons."[3]
Greek Original:*)eqeloka/kws: e(kousi/ws to\ kako\n e)klegome/nwn. *)appiano/s: tw=| de\ strathgw=| strato\s h)=n duspeiqh\s u(po\ mnhsikaki/as, e)qeloka/kws te h)gwni/zonto kai\ e)/feugon e)pidhsa/menoi ta\ sw/mata w(s tetrwme/noi kai\ ta\s skhna\s die/luon kai\ a)naxwrei=n e)pexei/roun a)peiri/an e)pikalou=ntes tw=| strathgw=|. kai\ au)=qis: e)qelokakou=ntes au)tw=| dia\ plei/ous ai)ti/as.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. (The final participle in the glossing phrase is, variously, this genitive plural
e)klegome/nwn or
e)klelegme/non.) The headword, an adverbial form of
e)qelo/kakos, must be quoted from somewhere -- perhaps (though not necessarily) the first passage which follows here; cf. generally
epsilon 302,
epsilon 303.
[2] Appian,
Italica 7.
[3] Once attributed to
Menander Protector (fr.68 FHG, 4.269) and connected with
alphaiota 322; Blockley, however, does not accept the present passage as an authentic fragment of
Menander. For the verb cf.
epsilon 302.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 December 2005@22:24:03.
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