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Search results for epsilon,3037 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3037
Translated headword: Hermes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is what they call a son of Zeus and Maia, i.e. of mind and sense. For reason is engendered from mind and sense. On account of this they also make him winged, because he is swift. For nothing is swifter than reason. And [that is why]
Homer [says] "winged words".[1] They create [images of] him as the youngest of all [the gods], because reason does not grow old; but they also make him quadrangular[2] on account of the firmness of true reason. They also say he was responsible for profit and an overseer of the businesses: consequently they set up the statue of him weighing a purse. Furthermore, the Phoenicians sculpt their gods carrying purses, on the basis that gold was a token of sovereignty; but the Greeks sculpt them bearing arms, on the basis that men are subordinated to weapons.
Greek Original:*(ermh=n: tou=ton ui(o\n *dio\s le/gousi kai\ *mai/as, oi(=on tou= nou= kai\ th=s fronh/sews. e)k nou= ga\r kai\ fronh/sews o( lo/gos genna=tai. dia\ tou=to kai\ pterwto\n au)to\n poiou=sin, w(s taxu/n: ou)de\n ga\r lo/gou taxu/teron. kai\ *(/omhros, e)/pea ptero/enta. pa/ntwn de\ new/taton au)to\n e)rga/zontai dia\ to\ mh\ ghra/skein to\n lo/gon: a)lla\ kai\ tetra/gwnon au)to\n poiou=si dia\ th\n sterro/thta tou= a)lhqou=s lo/gou. le/gousi de\ au)to\n kai\ tou= ke/rdous ai)/tion kai\ tw=n e)mporiw=n e)/foron: o(/qen to\ a)/galma au)tou= i(stw=si basta/zon ma/rsipon. a)lla\ kai\ oi( *foi/nikes tou\s qeou\s au)tw=n pla/ttousin e)pife/rontas bala/ntia, w(s tou= xrusou= sumbo/lou o)/ntos dunastei/as: oi( de\ *(/ellhnes sidhroforou=ntas au)tou\s pla/ttousin, w(s toi=s o(/plois u(potattome/nwn tw=n a)nqrw/pwn.
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.9-10 (Preger,
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 155.5 - 156.3).
Iliad 1.201, etc.; cf.
pi 3012.
[2] (So already
epsilon 3033.) "The herm, a quadrangular pillar topped with a head, was very popular from the end of the 6th cent. [BCE] onwards" (OCD(4) p.669, s.v. Hermes); obviously its significance predates by many centuries the Christian interpretation put on it here. On herms see further OCD(4) p.671 s.v. herms.
Keywords: art history; Christianity; definition; economics; epic; imagery; military affairs; mythology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 November 2000@15:23:03.
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