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Search results for epsilon,2978 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2978
Translated headword: loud-thundering
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one making large crashes.
Aristophanes in
Frogs calls
Aeschylus [this],[1] in regard to the thundering and boastfulness of his words; such are indeed those [words] at the beginning of the
Prometheus: "To earth's remotest limit we come, to the Scythian land, an untrodden solitude. And now, Hephaestus, yours is the charge to observe the mandates laid upon you by the Father--to clamp this miscreant upon the high craggy rocks in shackles of binding adamant that cannot be broken."[2] And again: "Now drive the adamantine wedge's stubborn edge straight through his chest with your full force."[3]
Greek Original:*)eribreme/tas: o( mega/lous ktu/pous a)potelw=n. to\n *ai)sxu/lon le/gei *)aristofa/nhs e)n *batra/xois, pro\s to\ brontw=des tw=n r(hma/twn kai\ kompw=des: oi(=a/ e)sti ka)kei=na e)n a)rxh=| tou= *promhqe/ws: xqono\s me\n e)s thlouro\n h(/komen pe/don, *sku/qhn e)s oi)=mon, a)/broton ei)s e)rhmi/an. *(/hfaiste, soi\ de\ xrh\ me/lein e)pistola/s, a(/s soi path\r e)fei=to, to/nde pro\s pe/trais u(yhlokrh/mnois to\n lewrgo\n o)xma/sai, a)damanti/nwn desmw=n a)rrh/ktois pe/dais. kai\ au)=qis: a)damanti/nou nu=n sfhno\s au)qa/dh gna/qon ste/rnwn diampa\c passa/leu' e)rrwme/nws.
For the
eri- prefix see under
epsilon 2977.
Frogs 814 (web address 1); the entry comes from a scholion on this verse.
[2] (?)
Prometheus Bound 1-6 (translated by H.W. Smyth, LCL), quoted in part at
lambda 274.
[3] (?)
Prometheus Bound 64-65 (translated by H.W. Smyth, LCL).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; geography; imagery; mythology; poetry; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 8 June 2007@16:05:18.
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