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Search results for epsilon,2976 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/eria
Adler number: epsilon,2976
Translated headword: eria, locks, tufts, wools
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] flocks.[1]
The malloi of eria have their ends and their tips compressed, and whenever they are plucked, the mallos is broken apart.[2]
Greek Original:
*)/eria: ta\ malli/a. o(/ti tw=n e)ri/wn oi( malloi\ e)/xousi ta\s a)rxa\s kai\ ta\s korufa\s pepilhme/nas, kai\ e)pa\n tilqw=si, dialu/etai o( mallo/s.
[1] Both the headword and the gloss are neuter plurals. (Their conjunction is repeated, with the headword in a slightly different form, at epsiloniota 197, q.v.) The former is presumably quoted from somewhere; the latter word is more usually masculine, as in the second part of the entry. The distinction between an erion and a mallos is hard to reproduce in translation.
[2] From delta 680 (scholia to Aristophanes, Lysistrata 578).
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 15 May 2007@12:08:50.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 16 May 2007@04:46:18.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 26 October 2012@06:20:52.


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