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Search results for epsilon,2916 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/erre
Adler number: epsilon,2916
Translated headword: go (to hell)
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] perish.[1]
"Go, bad cub, bad lot, go to Hades, go: I did not bear the one [who was] unworthy of Sparta."[2]
"O Xenophaneses and Diagorases and Hippons and Epicuruses and all the rest of the [catalogue] of those ill-starred and hateful to the gods: go to hell!"[3]
Greek Original:
*)/erre: fqei/rou. e)/rre, kako\n skula/keuma, kaka\ meri/s, e)/rre po/q' a(/|dan: e)/rre: to\n ou) *spa/rtas a)/cion, w(=n e)/tekon. w)= *cenofa/neis kai\ *diago/rai kai\ *(/ippwnes *)epi/kouroi kai\ pa=s o( loipo\s tw=n kakodaimo/nwn te kai\ qeoi=s e)xqrw=n, e)/rresqe.
[1] Likewise in Hesychius and other lexica. From the scholia to Homer, Iliad 8.164, where the headword imperative occurs; cf. epsilon 2939.
[2] Greek Anthology 7.433.5-6 (reading ou)d' e)/tekon): a Spartan mother kills her son. Further excerpts from this epigram are at beta 572 and theta 330.
[3] Aelian fr. 36 Domingo-Forasté (33 Hercher), with an unparalleled instance of e)/rrw in the middle voice: referring to philosophers considered atheistic (cf. upsilon 386, alpha 1398, epsilon 1581). (Other suggestions for the missing noun are 'mob' and 'chorus'.) See Xenophanes at xi 46, Diagoras at delta 523 & delta 524, Epicurus at epsilon 2404, epsilon 2405, epsilon 2406.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; military affairs; philosophy; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 July 2004@22:33:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation at one point; augmented notes and keywords) on 12 July 2004@03:58:14.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 12 July 2004@22:32:54.
Catharine Roth (updated reference, added cross-references) on 17 April 2011@19:03:07.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 25 April 2011@03:38:49.
Catharine Roth (expanded notes, added keywords) on 25 April 2011@11:09:52.
David Whitehead on 25 October 2012@07:28:45.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 6 February 2016@08:50:22.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.2) on 23 July 2022@12:13:05.


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