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Search results for epsilon,2902 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2902
Translated headword: workmen
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] workers.[1] "He was lying in wait for certain workmen returning from the fields, and [he] somehow without being seen by crawling on his belly into it[?] ..."[2]
Greek Original:*)ergasth=ras: e)rga/tas. o( d' e)nelo/xa tina\s e)rgasth=ras e)k tw=n a)grw=n e)panio/ntas, kai/ pws laqw\n ei)s au)to\n e(rpu/sas.
[1] The headword is accusative plural of
e)rgasth/r (a rather rare synonym for
e)rga/ths). It is perhaps extracted here from the quotation given, though there is an earlier instance in
Xenophon (
Oeconomicus 5.15), noted by both
Pollux and
Aelian fr. 262 Domingo-Forasté (264 Hercher). Adler agrees with Bernhardy in suspecting the reading
ei)s au)to/n.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 November 2007@11:53:43.
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