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Search results for epsilon,2892 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2892
Translated headword: having levied contributions
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he] having amassed [them] from many people.[1]
Also[2] [sc. attested is]
Demosthenes [uses this] to mean he having raised a contributory loan.[4] However, a contributor in the strict sense is the participant in the lending syndicate, paying the instalment which it was necessary to come up with each month.
Greek Original:*)eranisa/menos: e)k pollw=n sunagagw/n. kai\ *)erani/sas, *dhmosqe/nhs a)nti\ tou= e)/ranon ai)th/sas. e)ranisth\s me/ntoi kuri/ws e)sti\n o( tou= e)ra/nou mete/xwn kai\ th\n fora/n, h(\n e(ka/stou mhno\s e)/dei kataba/llein, ei)sfe/rein.
See also the associated entries, esp.
epsilon 2893.
[1] The headword, evidently extracted from somewhere, is aorist middle participle (masculine nominative singular) of
e)rani/zw; cf. under
mu 147.
[2] The source now becomes Harpokration s.v.
e)rani/zontes, here abridged.
[3] The distinction, impossible to convey in translation, is between the middle and (now) active aorist participles.
Letter 3.38. Harpok. goes on to quote
Demosthenes 39.18 and to cite
Lysias fr. 34 Sauppe (now 39 Carey OCT).
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 November 2000@06:41:58.
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