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Search results for epsilon,2832 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2832
Translated headword: obol-fine
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the sixth of the valuation of the lawsuit, which those who had indicted people used to pay if they failed to secure a conviction. It was so called because it was an obol for each drachma.[1]
Consequently, epobelia [was the name of] the penalty.
Consequently, epobelia [was] the interest, [mentioned] by
Plato in Laws [book] eleven.[2]
Greek Original:*)epwbeli/a: to\ e(/kton ti/mhma th=s di/khs, o(\ e)pra/ttonto oi( graya/menoi/ tinas kai\ mh\ e(lo/ntes au)toi=s toi=s grafei=sin. e)kalei=to de\ ou(/tws, o(/ti kaq' e(ka/sthn draxmh\n o)belo\s h)=n. *)epwbeli/a ou)=n h( zhmi/a. *)epwbeli/a ou)=n o( to/kos, u(po\ *pla/twnos *no/mwn ia#.
For this feature of classical Athenian jurisprudence see already
epsilon 2830,
epsilon 2831.
[1] A paraphrase of Harpokration s.v., where
Demosthenes 45.6 is cited.
Laws 921D (on a quite different matter: anyone in
Magnesia who takes delivery of a piece of work from a craftsman but fails to pay him for it within a year must pay one obol per drachma for every month in arrears). This part of the entry =
Lexicon epsilon1865.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; law; philosophy; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 November 2000@06:06:06.
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