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Headword: *)epoxh/
Adler number: epsilon,2824
Translated headword: cessation, suspension; epoch
Vetting Status: high
Pyrrho(n) was the first to introduce a kind of agnosticism and suspension [sc. of judgment].[1]
Epokhe[2] is the division which embraces the sun and the moon and each of the [sc. other] planets. These are in order:[3] Phainon [= Saturn],[4] Phaethon [= Jupiter],[5] Puroeis [= Mars],[6] Helios [= Sun], Phosphoros [= Morning Star/Venus],[7] Stilbon [= Mercury],[8] Selene [= Moon]. Each of the [sc. 12] signs of the zodiac is divided into 30 parts, which are called moirai ["degrees"]. The degree is divided into 60 parts, which are called the sixty prota lepta ["minutes"]. And each minute is divided again into sixty, which are called deutera lepta ["seconds"]. To use more [subdivisions] than the seconds in the ordinary table [is] not necessary.[9]
Greek Original:
*)epoxh/: prw=tos *pu/rrwn a)katalhyi/as kai\ e)poxh=s ei)=dos ei)sh/gagen. *)epoxh/ e)stin h( moi=ra, e)n h(=| katalamba/netai o(/ te h(/lios kai\ h( selh/nh kai\ e(/kastos tw=n planhtw=n. ei)si\ de\ ou(=toi kata\ ta/cin: *fai/nwn, *fae/qwn, *puro/eis, *(/hlios, *fwsfo/ros, *sti/lbwn, *selh/nh. e(/kaston de\ tw=n zw|di/wn diairei=tai ei)s l# me/rh, a(\ kalou=ntai moi=rai. h( de\ moi=ra diairei=tai ei)s c# me/rh, a(\ kalei=tai e(chkosta\ prw=ta lepta/. kai\ to\ e(\n prw=ton lepto\n diairei=tai ei)s e(ch/konta pa/lin, a(\ kalou=ntai deu/tera lepta/. ple/on de\ tw=n deute/rwn leptw=n e)n tw=| proxei/rw| kano/ni paralabei=n ou)k a)nagkai=on.
[1] This first sentence (from Diogenes Laertius 9.61, citing Ascanius of Abdera) refers to the Skeptic and Stoic philosophical sense of e)poxh/ (LSJ s.v. II.1). On P., see generally pi 3238.
[2] The rest of the entry (which Adler suggested might be from a Life of Pythagoras), deals with e)poxh/ as an astronomical term; see LSJ s.v. III.2.a.
[3] The list of seven 'planets' (including the sun and moon) which now follows -- with its roots in Babylonian astronomy, and its ongoing manifestation in our days of the week -- is also presented, more discursively, in the pseudo-Aristoelian treatise de mundo (On the cosmos), at 392a23-31, though there Sun and Mercury are reversed.
[4] LSJ s.v. fai/nw, A.II.b.
[5] LSJ fae/qw II.3.c. (Confusingly, also a term applied to the moon and, especially, the sun.)
[6] LSJ puro/eis, 2.
[7] epsilon 1910.
[8] LSJ s.v.
[9] As is implied in this closing remark, pure mathematicians made a third and even further subdivisions. For this see e.g. a fragmentary treatise attributed to Diophantus of Alexandria (delta 1219); but even there it is conceded that two divisions are really enough (h(mi=n de\ a)rkei/tw ... e(/ws deute/rwn leptw=n ... diairei=sqai th\n mona/da), 'since this seems to have been sufficient for the ancients, too, as regards the calculations of the ordinary table' (tou=to ga\r kai\ pro\s ta\s tou= proxei/rou kano/nos yhfofori/as e)carkei=n dokei= toi=s palaioi=s).
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; imagery; mathematics; mythology; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 January 2002@22:46:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 7 January 2002@02:52:50.
David Whitehead (x-ref; more keywords; tweaking) on 24 October 2012@03:46:01.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; expanded nn.1-2; added more notes) on 4 February 2016@05:30:02.
Catharine Roth (tweaked reference) on 18 November 2017@01:56:03.


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