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Search results for epsilon,2787 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2787
Translated headword: they struck a false note, they were off-key
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] they were disorderly, they were lackadaisical. For [something] 'off-key' [means] lackadaisical and unrefined.[1] "[...] in order that anticipating on account of the evils they were off-key in, in the second danger they could be punished and made equal."[2]
Greek Original:*)eplhmme/lhsan: h)ta/kthsan, e)rra|qu/mhsan. plhmmele\s ga\r to\ r(a/|qumon kai\ a)pai/deuton. i(/na u(pe\r w(=n e)plhmme/lhsan kakiw=n fqa/nontes, e)n tw=| deute/rw| profanei= kindu/nw| te i)swqw=si kolasqe/ntes.
The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is third person plural, aorist indicative active, of the verb
plhmmele/w. It is probably extracted from the quotation given here (though other extant possibilities include four in the
[1] Thus far the entry seems to be derived from the same source as
pi 1754; cf.
Lexicon s.v.
Aelian fr.134 Hercher (137 Domingo-Forasté), quoted at greater length at
alpha 2073, where the text is slightly different but no more intelligible.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; meter and music
Translated by: William Hutton on 20 December 2007@06:26:10.
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