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Search results for epsilon,2768 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2768
Translated headword: rim-full
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is the term for a measure which is not filled but falling short.
Aristophanes [writes]: "[
Themistocles] made our city full, having found it [sc. merely] rim-full."
Greek Original:*)epixeile/s: ou(/tw le/getai me/tron to\ mh\ plh=res, a)ll' a)poleipo/menon. *)aristofa/nhs: th\n po/lin h(mw=n mesth\n e)poi/hsen eu(rw\n e)pixeilh=.
The Aristophanic quotation has been given more fully at
alpha 2737.
The present entry's headword, neuter nominative-accusative singular of this adjective -- and glossed accordingly (cf. already
Hesychius epsilon5426, glossing
to\ e)llipe/s, and
Pollux 5.133) -- must be quoted from somewhere else. An extant possibility is
Dion 14.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; history; imagery; politics; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 February 2007@06:49:58.
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