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Search results for epsilon,2752 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2752
Translated headword: inclined
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] eager.
"Nor was he inclined toward injustice or greed, but recalcitrant and combative toward those in power."[1]
Greek Original:*)epi/foros: o(rmhtiko/s. ou)de\ pro\s a)diki/an h)\ pleoneci/an e)pi/foros h)=n, proskroustiko\s de\ kai\ a(millhtiko\s pro\s tou\s a)/rxontas.
The headword adjective, masculine nominative singular, is presumably (though not demonstrably) extracted from the quotation given. For this sense of it see LSJ s.v.
e)pi/foros, II.
Life of Isidore fr. 278 Zintzen (285 Asmus); quoted at greater length at
sigma 180.
Keywords: biography; definition; economics; ethics; history; law; philosophy; politics
Translated by: William Hutton on 13 February 2008@06:34:42.
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