Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,2658 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2658
Translated headword: reserves
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] troops additionally stationed to survey the battle and assist the hard-pressed part.[1]
Thucydides [writes]: "and the baggage-carriers they positioned inside these reserves".[2]
And elsewhere: "Socrates was chairman and neither cast a vote nor voted for condemnation".[3]
Greek Original:*)epitaktoi/: stratiw=tai oi( prostetagme/noi th\n ma/xhn e)fora=n kai\ tw=| ponou=nti me/rei bohqei=n. *qoukudi/dhs: kai\ tou\s skeuofo/rous e)nto\s tou/twn tw=n e)pitaktw=n e)poih/santo. kai\ au)=qis: *swkra/ths de\ h)=n e)pista/ths kai\ ou)/te e)yh/fize ou)/te katexeiroto/nei.
[1] Likewise in the derivative entry in ps.-
Zonaras, except that Tittman's punctuation there includes 'troops' as part of the headword
Thucydides 6.67.1 on the Athenians at Syracuse (web address 1).
[3] For the quotation cf.
kappa 1021 (end) -- but it is out of place in this entry. It probably belongs, as Gaisford suggested, to
epsilon 2611 (q.v.). In any event this is the famous episode from 406/5 BCE when Socrates (
sigma 829), as chairman of the prytaneis, stands firm against unconstitutional treatment of the
Arginousai generals. Besides
kappa 1021 cf. also
epsilon 3234.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 November 2007@11:05:06.
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