Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,2644 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2644
Translated headword: turn-manoeuvre; quarter-turn
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. This is the name for what happens] when, after concentrating the whole battalion toward the side-man and the back-man, we turn, just like the body of a single man, toward spear-side or shield-side, with the whole contingent wheeling around the company-commander[1] as a center-point, and we change the forward position and the flank on the right side,[2] but each man keeps the same side-men and back-men.[3]
Greek Original:*)epistrofh/: e)peida\n to\ pa=n su/ntagma puknw/santes kata\ parasta/thn kai\ e)pista/thn kaqa/per a)ndro\s e(no\s sw=ma e)pi\ do/ru h)\ e)p' a)spi/da e)gkli/nwmen, kaqa/per e)pi\ ke/ntrw| tw=| loxagw=| panto\s tou= ta/gmatos perienexqe/ntos, kai\ metalabo/ntes to/pon me\n to\n e)/mprosqen, e)pifa/neian de\ th\n e)k deciw=n, diameno/ntwn e(ka/stw| tw=n te parastatw=n kai\ e)pistatw=n.
= Arrian,
Tactica 21.3. (See also
Tactica 10.4.) The whole entry is repeated in the
Onomasticon tacticum at the end of the Suda.
For this same headword but in a different case (and sense) see
epsilon 2645.
[1] Roos-Wirth insert "first" before "company commander".
[2] Roos-Wirth accept here Köchly's emendation "or on the left".
[3] For
e)pista/ths and
u(posta/ths, see
epsilon 2610.
Keywords: definition; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 7 December 2007@07:13:43.
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