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Headword: *)epistolh\
Adler number: epsilon,2633
Translated headword: letter
Vetting Status: high
[Letter] of Julian the Apostate[1] to Porphyry, Supervisor of Accounts.[2] "The library of George was a very rich and large one, [with books] of all sorts of philosophers and of many historians, and not least there was among them many and miscellaneous books of the Galilaeans.[3] Seek out this library, therefore, and take care to send the whole of it to Antioch, recognising that it is you who will incur the worst punishment if you do not track it down with the utmost care. [Take care] also to remove the books from those who are objects of even the least suspicion; [use] all [possible] scrutinies, and oaths of every kind, and -- if you are not able to persuade -- by further torturing the domestics compel them to bring everything out into the open."
Greek Original:
*)epistolh\ *)ioulianou= tou= *paraba/tou pro\s *porfu/rion *kaqoliko/n. pollh/ tis h)=n pa/nu kai\ mega/lh biblioqh/kh *gewrgi/ou, pantodapw=n me\n filoso/fwn, pollw=n de\ u(pomnhmatogra/fwn, ou)k e)la/xista de\ e)n au)toi=s kai\ ta\ tw=n *galilai/wn polla\ kai\ pantodapa\ bibli/a. pa=san ou)=n a)qro/ws tau/thn th\n biblioqh/khn a)nazhth/sas fro/ntison ei)s *)antio/xeian a)postei=lai, ginw/skwn o(/ti megi/sth| me\n au)to\s periblhqh/sh| zhmi/a|, ei) mh\ meta\ pa/shs e)pimelei/as a)nixneu/seias, kai\ tou\s o(pwsou=n u(ponoi/as e)/xontas a)fh|rh=sqai tw=n bibli/wn pa=si me\n e)le/gxois, pantodapoi=s de\ o(/rkois plei/oni de\ tw=n oi)ketw=n basa/nw|, pei/qein ei) mh\ du/naio, katanagka/seias e)s me/son pa/nta prokomi/sai.
[1] Julian, Letter 106, about searching out Christian books in private libraries (in this instance that of George, Arian bishop of Alexandria in 361). For Julian see generally iota 437.
[2] Katholikos is equivalent to Latin terms such as procurator a rationibus and rationalis summarum: see LSJ s.v.
[3] Generally, for "Christians": gamma 37.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; historiography; law; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 19 September 2006@04:23:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added x-refs and another keyword; cosmetics) on 19 September 2006@05:19:08.
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr; more keywords; raised status) on 19 October 2012@07:22:09.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 November 2014@23:49:38.
David Whitehead (typo; note tweaks) on 1 February 2016@04:46:43.


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