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Search results for epsilon,262 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,262
Translated headword: seat
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] platform, throne.[1]
Hedra [is] also
proedria[2] in
Aristophanes: "and in return for these things I invite you into the prytaneion, into the
hedra, where that felon [= Kleon] used to be."[3]
And Arrian [writes]: "because you honoured me with eyes and voice and seat."[4] Meaning with a throne.
Greek Original:*(/edra: ba/sis, kaqe/dra. *(/edra kai\ h( proedri/a para\ *)aristofa/nei: kai/ s' a)nti\ tou/twn ei)s to\ prutanei=on kalw=, e)s th\n e(/dran q', i(/n' e)kei=nos h)=n o( farmako/s. kai\ *)arriano/s: o(/ti me kai\ o)/mmasi kai\ fwnh=| kai\ e(/dra| e)ti/mhsas. a)nti\ tou= kaqe/dra|.
See also
epsilon 163,
epsilon 264.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica; cf. the
scholia to
Iliad 8.162 (where the dative occurs); and cf. generally
epsilon 244.
[2] Front seats in the theatre for dignitaries and others: see
pi 2381.
Knights 1404-05, with comment from the
scholia there. For Kleon see
kappa 1731.
[4] Arrian,
Fragmenta incerta (possibly
Parthica) 9. (Adler commends Roos's emendation of
o)no/masi to
o)/mmasi there.)
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; epic; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: Giorgos Akrivas on 23 January 2004@15:08:10.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation; supplied notes; augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 24 January 2004@04:55:45.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 July 2012@03:12:57.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 6 December 2015@08:30:46.
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