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Search results for epsilon,2611 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2611
Translated headword: chairman
Vetting Status: high
Translation: One of the prytaneis [sc. in classical
Athens], chosen by lot, was known as the chairman. It was not possible for the same man to serve as chairman twice. He keeps the keys of the temple in which the public monies [are kept], and also the public seal. Whenever the prytaneis convene the council or the people, the chairman selects by lot nine proedroi, one from each tribe except the [tribe] in prytany. And again from these nine he selects by lot one chairman and hands over the business [to him];[1] he himself introduces the lawsuit[s] and, in accordance with law, ensures that everything happens and nothing is omitted in the instruction of the jurors.
Greek Original:*)epista/ths: tw=n prutane/wn ei(=s o( laxw\n e)pista/ths e)le/geto. di\s de\ to\n au)to\n e)pistath=sai ou)k e)ch=n. fula/ssei de\ tou= i(erou= ta\s klei=s, e)n w(=| ta\ dhmo/sia xrh/mata, e)/ti mh\n kai\ th\n dhmosi/an sfragi=da. e)peida\n de\ oi( prutanei=s sunaga/gwsi th\n boulh\n h)\ to\n dh=mon, o( e)pista/ths klhroi= proe/drous e)nne/a, a)po\ fulh=s e(ka/sths e(/na, plh\n th=s prutaneuou/shs. kai\ pa/lin e)k tw=n e)nne/a tou/twn e)pista/thn e(/na klhroi= kai\ to\ pra=gma paradi/dwsin: au)to\s de\ ei)sa/gei th\n di/khn kai\ e)pimelei=tai kata\ no/mon pa/nta gene/sqai kai\ mhde\n paraleifqh=nai pro\s to\ didaxqh=nai tou\s dikasta/s.
Keywords: constitution; definition; ethics; law; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 August 2006@04:54:21.
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