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Headword: *)epi/stasqai
Adler number: epsilon,2606
Translated headword: to understand
Vetting Status: high
This [verb] has two meanings, to have knowledge oneself[1] or to be knowledge of it, and each in two ways, either according to acquired condition[2] or according to exercise.[3]
Greek Original:
*)epi/stasqai: tou=to du/o shmai/nei, to\ e)pisth/mhn au)to\s e)/xein h)\ to\ e)pisth/mhn au)tou= ei)=nai, kai\ e(ka/teron dixw=s, h)\ kaq' e(/cin h)\ kata\ proxei/risin.
From Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 380.5-7 (on Topica 130a19-22).
[1] So the Suda version, but Alexander wrote 'itself' [au)to/].
[2] i.e. one has understanding.
[3] i.e. one practices understanding.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 December 2007@21:47:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 16 December 2007@04:55:52.
David Whitehead on 19 October 2012@04:49:12.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 21 October 2017@00:55:54.


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