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Search results for epsilon,26 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,26
Translated headword: seven-days-old
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They used to mark the seventh and the tenth [days] for newborn children and give them their names, some [say] on the the seventh day, some on the tenth.
Greek Original:*(ebdomeuo/mena: toi=s a)potexqei=si paidi/ois ta\s e(bdoma/das kai\ ta\s deka/tas h)=gon kai\ ta/ ge o)no/mata e)ti/qento au)toi=s, oi( me\n th=| e(bdo/mh|, oi( de\ th=| deka/th|.
From Harpokration s.v.
e(bdomeuome/nou, commenting on the appearance of that genitive singular participle in
Lysias fr. 95 Sauppe (now 108 Carey OCT). Lexicographers -- beginning with
Hesychius epsilon73 -- convert the participle to neuter plural.
Etymologicum Magnum 308.40 and
Etymologicum Genuinum.
Robert Garland, The Greek Way of Life (London 1990) 95 with 313
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 October 2000@02:56:09.
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