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Search results for epsilon,257 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,257
Translated headword: to floor
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['To floor'] and 'to deck'. [sc. Writers] used each of them. So 'to floor' [means] for example putting together from certain timbers which have simply been put together for a certain place, whereas 'to deck' could be thought of as more commonly said -- for many ordinary people call decks the roofs composed from long timbers under other roofs.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "on the
hedolia" in
Herodotus [meaning] on the supports of a ship.[2]
Sophokles [writes]: "the flames were already blazing around the decks at your ships' sterns."[3]
Greek Original:*(edwlia/sai kai\ *)ikriw=sai: e(kate/rw| au)tw=n e)xrh/santo. to\ me\n ou)=n e(dwlia/sai oi(=on sunqei=nai e)/k tinwn cu/lwn a(plw=s pro\s to/pon tina\ suntiqe/ntwn, to\ de\ i)kriw=sai du/nait' a)\n kai\ w(s koino/teron lexqe\n noei=sqai: polloi\ ga\r tw=n i)diwtw=n i)kri/as kalou=si ta\s e)k tw=n makrw=n cu/lwn suntiqeme/nas ste/gas u(po\ ste/gais e(te/rais. kai\ *(edwli/oisi para\ *(hrodo/tw| u(postrw/masi nho/s. *sofoklh=s: a)/kroisin h)/dh nautikoi=s e(dwli/ois puro\s fle/gontos.
Keywords: daily life; definition; historiography; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Giorgos Akrivas on 20 January 2004@10:39:15.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified headword, translation, keywords; augmented notes) on 21 January 2004@03:55:31.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 6 July 2011@07:41:34.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 6 December 2015@07:36:28.
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