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Search results for epsilon,2535 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2535
Translated headword: in front of, at the forefront of
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with a genitive. [Meaning] before.[1]
[sc. Also meaning something] more/rather estimable.
Xenophon [writes]: "they drew Cyrus away and led him, as he put the escort in front of him, because he saw the face of his grandfather looking angry."[2]
Proclus placed theology at the forefront of all philosophy; to the life which strives toward virtue he manifestly preferred its counterpart, piety."[3]
Greek Original:*)epi/prosqen: genikh=|. e)/mprosqen. timhtikw/teron. *cenofw=n: to\n de\ *ku=ron a)felku/santes h)=gon, e)pi/prosqen poiou/menon tou\s prosa/gontas, o(/ti e(w/ra to\ pro/swpon tou= pa/ppou h)griwme/non. o(/ti *pro/klos th=s filosofi/as pa/shs e)pi/prosqen h)=ge th\n qeologi/an: th=s de\ pro\s a)reth\n zwh=s e)rrwme/nhs th\n a)nti/strofon pro\s e)kei/nhn eu)se/beian protimw=n e)fai/neto.
[1] Same glossing in ps.-
Zonaras and elsewhere; see also a gloss on
Dionysius the Areopagite at PG 4.25.
Cyropaedia 1.4.24 (web address 1).
Life of Isidore fr.80 Asmus, 134 Zintzen, 59E Athanassiadi. On
Proclus, see
pi 2473.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 December 2006@22:26:08.
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