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Headword: *)epiprepei/ais
Adler number: epsilon,2534
Translated headword: [to] appearances
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to attractive garments. "Hannibal the general of the Carthaginians had [sc. several] wigs manufactured, suited to the appearances according to the overall differences of the age-groups; and these he used, changing them continually."[2]
Greek Original:
*)epiprepei/ais: stolai=s eu)prepe/sin. o( de\ *)anni/bas o( *karxhdoni/wn strathgo\s kateskeua/sato periqeta\s tri/xas, a(rmozou/sas tai=s kata\ ta\s o(losxerei=s diafora\s tw=n h(likiw=n e)piprepei/ais: kai\ tau/tais e)xrh=to sunexw=s metatiqe/menos.
[1] The headword, evidently extracted from the quotation given (though glossed by someone who had failed to understand that context), is dative plural of the feminine noun e)pipre/peia.
[2] Polybius 3.78.2. The phrase 'suited to the appearances according to the overall differences of the age-groups' is what P. so clumsily says; what he means is conveyed by 'dyed to suit the appearance of persons differing widely in age' (W.R. Paton).
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 November 2007@00:59:18.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked headword and tr; augmented notes) on 19 November 2007@03:36:18.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 17 October 2012@08:35:12.


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