*)epipola/s: ta\ w)/nia. tou\s de\ *(rwmai/ous qarrei=n sune/baine kratou=ntas tou= peri\ ta\s *)epipola\s to/pou. e)pipolastikw=s kai\ katako/rws xrw/menoi th=| kraugh=|.
[1] The headword is ostensibly the accusative plural of a feminine noun
e)pipolh/; evidently quoted from somewhere -- other than the quotation which follows, where it is an upper-case toponym (for the heights above Syracuse, in
Sicily). But in fact, as LSJ s.v. notes, the noun in lower case in only attested in the singular, usually the genitive singular (as
epsilon 2530). Thus the present headword, here and in the derivative entry in ps.-
Zonaras, would seem to be a corruption of a word or phrase connected with the verb
pwle/w (perhaps
e)pi\ pwla/s; cf.
pi 2154).
Polybius 8.37.13 (on the Roman blockade of Syracuse in 212 BCE).
Polybius 4.12.9 (on Aetolian forces at the battle of Caphyae, 220 BCE); it contains the adverb
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