Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,2507 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2507
Translated headword: sprinklings
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the grits that were sprinkled over the body.[1] For they had a custom of making flatbreads or loaves and sprinkling some savories or salty things over them; and on account of this they were compelled to drink a lot. This is the [term] 'sprinklings'. "After licking the public-auction sprinklings, the bastard snores like the drunk he is face-up in the doorways."[2] It so happens that drunks are particularly likely to have this happen to them, as are those who lie face-up.
Greek Original:*)epi/pasta: ta\ e)pipasso/mena tw=| sw/mati a)/lfita. e)/qos ga\r ei)=xon poiei=n plakou=ntas h)\ a)/rtous kai\ e)pipa/ssein tina\ karukeu/mata h)\ a(lmura/: kai\ e)k tou/tou h)nagka/zonto pi/nein polla/. tou=to/ e)sti to\ e)pi/pasta. e)pi/pasta lei/cas dhmio/praq' o( ba/skanos, r(e/gxei mequ/wn e)n tai=s qu/rais u(/ptios. sumbai/nei de\ ma/lista tou=to pa/sxein tou\s mequ/ontas, h)\ tou\s u(pti/ous keime/nous.
delta 433.
Scholia to the
Aristophanes passage quoted later in the entry differ on whether the substance sprinkled was barley groats (as here) or wheat; also, whether what it was sprinkled on was porridge (
e)/tnei) or honey (
me/liti) -- but either is preferable to the Suda's
sw/mati ('body'). Aelius
Dionysius epsilon57,
Hesychius epsilon5047, and
Etymologicum Magnum 362.53, which are similar to this entry up to this point, prefer 'porridge'; and cf.
Pollux 6.61. (Thus there is really no need for K. Zacher's emendation to
zwmw=|, noted by Adler.)
Knights 103 (web address 1), except that in
Aristophanes the drunkard goes to sleep on his 'hides' (
bu/rsais) instead of in the 'doorways' (
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; law; medicine; poetry; politics; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 29 November 2007@17:44:02.
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