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Search results for epsilon,2505 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2505
Translated headword: at Palladion, at Palladium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A lawcourt at
Athens, where the Ephetai used to judge cases of involuntary homicide. For when Argives were sailing from
Ilion and put in at
Phaleron, the Athenians failed to recognize them and killed them. Later, once Akamas had discovered [this] and the Palladion had been found, they set up a lawcourt there in accordance with an oracle, as Phanodemos [relates].[1] Kleitodemos, however, says that after Agamemnon had been brought to
Athens with the Palladion, Demophon stole the Palladion and killed many of the pursuers; and Agamemnon was displeased, and promised a judgement from fifty Athenians and fifty Argives, whom he called Ephetai because of the fact that making the judgement was entrusted [
e)feqh=nai], to both groups.[2]
Greek Original:*)epi\ *palladi/w|: dikasth/rion *)aqh/nhsin, e)n w(=| oi( *)efe/tai a)kousi/ou fo/nou e)di/kazon. *)argei=oi ga\r a)po\ *)ili/ou ple/ontes, h(ni/ka prose/sxon *falh/rois, u(po\ *)aqhnai/wn a)gnoou/menoi a)nh|re/qhsan. u(/steron de\ *)aka/mantos gnwri/santos kai\ tou= *palladi/ou eu(reqe/ntos, kata\ xrhsmo\n au)to/qi to\ dikasth/rion a)pe/deican, w(s *fano/dhmos. *kleito/dhmos de/ fhsin, *)agame/mnonos su\n tw=| *palladi/w| prosenexqe/ntos *)aqh/nais, *dhmofw=nta a(rpa/sai to\ *palla/dion kai\ pollou\s tw=n diwko/ntwn a)nelei=n: tou= de\ *)agame/mnonos dusxerai/nontos, kri/sin u(posxei=n e)pi\ n# *)aqhnai/wn kai\ n# *)argei/wn, ou(\s *)efe/tas klhqh=nai, dia\ to\ par' a)mfote/rwn e)feqh=nai au)toi=s peri\ th=s kri/sews.
A modified and augmented version of the equivalent entry in Harpokration s.v., commenting on the occurrence of the headword phrase in
Demosthenes 23.71 (and citing ?
Athenaion Politeia 57.3). See also e.g.
Pausanias 1.28.9.
[1] Phanodemos FGrH 325 F12.
[2] Klei(to)demos FGrH 323 F12. For the mysterious Ephetai cf.
epsilon 3876,
epsilon 3877,
epsilon 3878. For the Palladion (in this concrete sense),
pi 34.
D.M. MacDowell, Athenian Homicide Law (Manchester 1963) chapter 6
Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; law; mythology; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 November 2000@08:41:19.
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