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Search results for epsilon,2467 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2467
Translated headword: overseers, superintendents
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Superintendents] of the choruses used to be elected,[1] to ensure that the chorus-members did not behave in a disorderly manner in the theatres.[2] But others say that ['superindents'] are officials of the port, appointed by lot each year, and given the responsibility of supervising the shipping-in of grain into the Athenian port and compelling the importers to convey [it] into the town.[3]
Greek Original:*)epimelhtai\ e)xeirotonou=nto tw=n xorw=n, w(s mh\ a)taktei=n tou\s xoreuta\s e)n toi=s qea/trois. a)/lloi de\ le/gousin, o(/ti e)mpori/ou a)/rxonte/s ei)si klhrwtoi\ e(ka/stou e)/tous kaqista/menoi, oi(=s prosete/takto e)pimelei=sqai tou= kataple/ontos si/tou ei)s to\ e)mpo/rion to\ *)attiko\n kai\ tou\s e)mpo/rous a)nagka/zein ei)s to\ a)/stu komi/zein.
Same or similar material in the
Etymologicum Magnum and other lexica.
[1] sc. in classical
[2] These officials are perhaps to be identified with the 10 superintendents of the Dionysia mentioned in ?
Athenaion Politeia 56.4 (web address 1); in any event an Athenian honorific decree from the 320s (IG II(2) 354) alludes to 'the superintendents appointed by lot to ensure good order in the theatre'.
[3] cf.
epsilon 2465.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: constitution; daily life; economics; ethics; food; law; meter and music
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 July 2006@05:34:14.
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