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Headword: *)epi\ *leiyudri/w| ma/xh
Adler number: epsilon,2440
Translated headword: a battle at Leipsydrion
Vetting Status: high
[sc. Leipsydrion is] a place above [Mount] Parnes,[1] which was fortified by those in exile from the tyrants, led by the Alkmaionids.[2] They were captured by Peisistratos[3] after a siege, and a drinking-song was sung about them: "woe woe Leipsydion betrayer-of-comrades, what men you have slain, good in battle and nobly born, when they showed what fathers they had".
Greek Original:
*)epi\ *leiyudri/w| ma/xh: xwri/on u(pe\r th=s *pa/rnhqos, o(\ e)tei/xisan oi( fuga/des tw=n tura/nnwn, w(=n oi( *)alkmaioni/dai proesth/kesan. e)kpoliorkhqe/ntwn d' au)tw=n u(po\ tw=n peri\ *peisi/straton, skolio\n ei)s au)tou\s h)/|deto: ai)\ ai)\ *leiyu/drion prodwse/tairon, oi(/ous a)/ndras a)pw/le- sas, ma/xesqai d' a)gaqou/s ge kai\ eu)patri/das, o(po/t' e)/deican, oi(/wn pate/rwn e)/san.
The headword phrase, although not described as such here, was proverbial: see Apostolius 7.70, where it is glossed as 'in reference to those involved in a brave struggle'.
For the rest of the present material cf. Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 15.695E (15.50 Kaibel).
[1] In Attica: pi 680, pi 681.
[2] In the late sixth century BCE. For the Alkmaionids see generally alpha 1292.
[3] pi 1474.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; food; geography; history; military affairs; meter and music; poetry; politics; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 November 2000@06:50:32.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added note) on 17 May 2003@18:43:00.
David Whitehead (added keywords) on 18 May 2003@05:58:48.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 12 July 2007@09:58:31.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 15 October 2012@10:15:11.


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