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Adler number: epsilon,2435
Translated headword: deputy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aeschines in the [speech]
Against Ktesiphon [writes]: "having drawn neither first place nor that of deputy, but having schemed to buy the position".[1] This is the sort of thing being spoken of. Those eager to be councillors or officials used to draw lots. Then for each of the drawers another would draw, so that, if the first drawer was rejected in the scrutiny or died, the deputy became councillor or official in his place.[2]
Greek Original:*)epilaxw/n: *ai)sxi/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *kthsifw=ntos: ou)/te laxw\n ou)/t' e)pilaxw/n, a)ll' e)k paraskeuh=s pria/menos. toiou=ton de/ e)sti to\ lego/menon. e)klhrou=nto oi( bouleu/ein h)\ a)/rxein e)fie/menoi. e)/peita e(ka/stou tw=n laxo/ntwn e(/teros e)pela/gxanen, i(/na, e)a\n o( prolaxw\n a)podokimasqh=| h)\ teleuth/sh|, a)nt' e)kei/nou ge/nhtai bouleuth\s h)\ a)/rxwn o( e)pilaxw/n.
From Harpokration s.v.
Aeschines 3.62.
[2] Harpokration adds that further light is shed on this by
Plato (Comicus) fr. 166 Kock (182 Kassel-Austin).
Keywords: biography; comedy; constitution; definition; economics; ethics; law; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 November 2000@06:40:58.
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