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Search results for epsilon,2352 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2352
Translated headword: curved formation, flanking formation
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [This occurs] when the middles encounter the enemy, but the wings from the outside parts remain drawn up in their columns.
Greek Original:*)epikamph\s para/tacis: e)pa\n ta\ me/sa toi=s polemi/ois prospi/pth|, ta\ de\ ke/rata e)k tw=n o)pi/sw merw=n o)/rqia u(f' e(auth\n e)/xh| tetagme/na.
A term and concept from Hellenistic, rhetorically-driven military theory; but see also e.g.
Cyropaedia 7.1.6 (
th\n e)pikamph\n poiou=ntai).
Keywords: definition; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 October 2007@04:43:30.
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