Meaning being prosecuted. "The life[-style] of those being accused usually makes some of the accusations implausible."[1]
*)epikaloume/nwn: a)nti\ tou= kathgoroume/nwn. e)ni/as tw=n kathgoriw=n ei)/wqen a)pi/stous poiei=n o( tw=n e)pikaloume/nwn bi/os.
The headword is present middle-passive participle of the verb
e)pikale/w (cf.
epsilon 2349,
epsilon 2351), genitive plural. It is perhaps extracted from the quotation given here, though there are numerous other possibilities (including two in
Thucydides which generated scholiastic synonyms).
[1] Adler tentatively attributed this quotation to
Life of Isidore: now fr. 293 Zintzen, 119.I Athanassiadi.
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