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Search results for epsilon,2348 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2348
Translated headword: to sow for straw
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There is a custom for farmers to leave the land idle for a year, so that the crops it nourishes are wholesome, and to prevent it becoming tired by annual effort on the seeds.
Lysias in the speech
In Reply to Tlepolemos, attacking one of the greedy farmers, who is exploiting the resources of his land and using up its strength every year, says: "this man here would sow cereals for straws".[1] That is, by constantly sowing he gives the land no respite.
Greek Original:*)epi\ kala/mh| a)rou=n: e)/qos e)sti\ toi=s gewrgoi=s par' e)niauto\n a)rgh\n katalei/pein th\n gh=n, o(/pws a)kerai/ous e)ktre/fh| tou\s karpou/s, w(s mh\ kat' e)/tos toi=s spe/rmasi ponoi=to. *lusi/as e)n tw=| pro\s *tlhpo/lemon lo/gw| diaba/llwn tina\ tw=n a)plh/stwn gewrgw=n, ta\ e)n th=| gh=| kataxrw/menon kai\ kat' e)/tos e)canali/skonta th\n i)sxu\n au)th=s, fhsi/n: ou(tosi\ de\ purou\s e)pi\ kala/mois a)roi=. toute/stin a)ei\ spei/rwn ou)demi/an a)/nesin th=| gh=| di/dwsin.
First part of this entry also in ps.-
Zonaras. Proverbial in Gregorius 3.51.
Lysias fr. 212 Sauppe, now 284 Carey (OCT).
Keywords: agriculture; botany; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 2 March 2006@05:16:28.
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