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Search results for epsilon,2341 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2341
Translated headword: appetite
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Appetite is an irrational desire, and the following things are ranged under it: need, hatred, contentiousness, anger, passion, wrath, rage. Need is an unsuccessful appetite as if separated from its object but intent upon it and drawn to it in vain. Hatred is an appetite for things to go progressively and increasingly badly for someone.[1] Anger is an appetite for revenge on someone who seems to have committed an injustice without propriety.[2] Passion is an appetite which is not directed toward an excellent thing,[3] for it is a expenditure of industry[4] due to an apparent beauty. Wrath is a long-standing and vengeful anger, which is watching for an opportunity. Rage is how anger starts.
Greek Original:*)epiqumi/a: e)piqumi/a e)sti\n a)/logos o)/recis, u(f' h(\n ta/ttetai tau=ta: spa/nis, mi=sos, filoneiki/a, o)rgh/, e)/rws, mh=nis, qumo/s. e)/sti de\ h( me\n spa/nis e)piqumi/a tis e)n a)poteu/cei kai\ oi(=on kexwrisme/nh e)k tou= pra/gmatos, tetame/nh de\ diakenh=s e)p' au)to\ kai\ perispwme/nh. mi=sos de/ e)stin e)piqumi/a tis tou= kakw=sai/ tina meta\ proskoph=s tinos kai\ prosta/sews, o)rgh\ de\ e)piqumi/a timwri/as tou= dokou=ntos h)dikhke/nai ou) proshko/ntws, e)/rws de\ e)piqumi/a tis ou) peri\ spoudai/ou pra/gmatos: e)/sti ga\r e)pibolh\ filoponi/as dia\ ka/llos e)mfaino/menon. mh=nis de/ e)stin o)rgh/ tis pepalaiwme/nh, e)pi/kotos kai\ e)pithrhtikh/: qumo\s de\ o)rgh\ a)rxome/nh.
Diogenes Laertius 7.113-114 (in the context of Stoic ethics), with variants noted below.
[1] The definition of 'contentiousness' (
philoneikia) which should now follow is omitted by the Suda. D.L.: 'contentiousness is an appetite concerning a
hairesis' (i.e. a matter of partisanship, whether in philosophical doctrine or another context).
[2] Or 'contrary to what is convenient', as suggested by the
Stobaeus version of the same topic (
Eclogae. 9.91, 10-11 [ed. Wachsmuth]).
[3] D.L.'s version is different: 'with regard to excellent people' (
peri\ spoudai/ous), which is clearer in the context.
[4] The Suda text is misleading again; D.L.'s noun was
philopoiia, making friends, not this
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 18 November 2000@12:44:28.
Vetted by:William Hutton (Modified translation, set status.) on 19 November 2000@00:48:08.
David Whitehead (modified translation and notes; added keyword; restorative and other cosmetics) on 24 December 2002@08:38:42.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 November 2005@10:11:17.
David Whitehead on 11 October 2012@09:36:14.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 27 August 2017@22:02:47.
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