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Search results for epsilon,2330 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2330
Translated headword: divine appeals
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] supplications to a god. "And divine appeals were made on behalf of the emperor himself and the expedition."[1]
And again: "left behind with no small number of divine appeals and wailing."[2]
That is, of divine invocations.[3]
And elsewhere: "they celebrated along with those who had made divine appeals."[4]
Greek Original:*)epiqeiasmoi/: pro\s qeo\n i(kesi/ai. e)piqeiasmoi/ te u(pe/r te au)tou= basile/ws kai\ th=s stratia=s e)gi/nonto. kai\ au)=qis: ou)k a)/neu o)li/gwn e)piqeiasmw=n kai\ oi)mwgh=s a)poleipo/menoi. toute/sti qei/wn e)piklh/sewn. kai\ au)=qis: toi=s e)piqeiasqei=si sunepeufh/mhsan.
[1] Paraphrase or approximation of a longer quotation ascribed to Arrian at
theta 310, and combined with a quotation at
alpha 4495 to form Arrian,
Parthica fr. 34 Roos-Wirth (cf. FGrH 156 F149).
Thucydides 7.75.4 (web address 1), with
a)poleipo/menoi in place of
u(poleipo/menoi, producing little difference in meaning.
[3] For this gloss cf. the
scholia to Thuc. 7.75.4.
[4] The quotation (containing not the headword but a participial form of a related verb; cf. generally
epsilon 2031,
epsilon 2032,
epsilon 2329,
epsilon 2331) is unidentifiable; there are instances of
sunepeufhme/w, though, in
Diodorus Siculus.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 27 October 2007@08:33:20.
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