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Search results for epsilon,2307 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2307
Translated headword: contribution
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] an increase in virtue, an advance, an addition.[1]
"Unhindered in practicing philosophy, he continued to make a contribution and increased simply by the cubit, so to speak."[2]
The Attic-speakers say e)pi/dosis, but prokoph/ [is found] in none of the [sc. correct] Greek [writers].[3]
Greek Original:*)epi/dosin: e)pi\ a)reth=s au)/chsin, prokoph/n, prosqh/khn. o( de\ filosofw=n a)nempo/distos ei)s e)pi/dosin diete/lei kai\ e)pedi/dou kata\ ph=xun, w(s fa/nai, a)texnw=s. *)epi/dosin me\n oi( *)attikoi\ le/gousin, h( de\ prokoph\ par' ou)deni\ tw=n *(ellh/nwn.
[1] Similarly in other lexica. The headword noun (
epsilon 2308) is in the accusative case and must be quoted from somewhere. Asmus included the phrase
e)pi/dosin e)pi\ a)reth=s as fr. 51 of
Life of Isidore; Adler disagrees; and not in Zintzen.
Life of Isidore fr. 286 Zintzen (166 Asmus); cf.
kappa 710.
[3] cf.
Ecloga fr. 85 Lobeck;
Thomas Magister 290.2 Ritschl. It is not clear (from LSJ s.v.) what sense or senses of the noun this opinion refers to.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 October 2007@01:22:43.
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