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Adler number: epsilon,2300
Translated headword: epidikos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and epikleros and epiproikos and epikleritis. An
epikleros is the woman left orphaned as regards the entire estate, with no brother. Both she herself and the
epikleritis [are in that situation], whereas an
epiproikos is the woman [left orphaned] as regards a certain part of the estate; she has a dowry because she has brothers. An
epidikos is the
epikleros for whom the appropriate bridegroom is a matter of dispute. But
Isaeus in the [speech]
Against Lysibios called the
epikleros an
Greek Original:*)epi/dikos kai\ *)epi/klhros kai\ *)epi/proikos kai\ *)epiklhri=tis. e)pi/klhros me\n h( e)pi\ panti\ tw=| klh/rw| o)rfanh\ kataleleimme/nh, mh\ o)/ntos au)th=| a)delfou=. h( de\ au)th\ kai\ e)piklhri=tis, e)pi/proikos de\ h( e)pi\ me/rei tini\ tou= klh/rou, h(/ te proi=ka e)/xein a)delfou\s e)/xousa. e)pi/dikos de\ h( a)mfisbhtoume/nh e)pi/klhros, ti/ni xrh\ au)th\n gamhqh=nai. *)isai=os de\ th\n e)pi/klhron e)n tw=| pro\s *lusi/bion e)piklhre/tin e)ka/lesen.
Abbreviated from Harpokration s.v.
The Greek word
e)pi/klhros is conventionally (and loosely) translated "heiress"; but as there are no obvious English equivalents for the rest of the terminology covered here it is best left transliterated.
Isaeus fr. 91 Sauppe. (Harpok. had also cited
Isaeus fr. 120 Sauppe and
Dinarchus fr. LX.3 Conomis.)
Keywords: definition; economics; law; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 November 2000@08:41:34.
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