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Search results for epsilon,2298 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2298
Translated headword: (things) disputed at law
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning ones] to which someone would lay a legal claim, on the basis that they belong to him by right of succession[1] -- provided the deceased had no sons or grandsons: these things are called disputed at law.
Greek Original:*)epi/dika: oi(=s a)/n tis e)pedika/zeto, w(s prosh/kousin au)tw=| kata\ ge/nous a)gxistei/an, ei) mh\ ei)=en ui(ei=s h)\ ui(wnoi\ tw=| teteleuthko/ti, mh/te mh\n diaqh=kai, tau=ta e)pi/dika kalei=tai.
The neuter plural headword is evidently quoted from somewhere, probably Attic oratory. In in event the entry resembles what
Lexica Segueriana 184.1-2 says s.v.
a)nepi/dika ('they call
epidika the things that are legally disputed amongst relatives'); cf.
alpha 2292.
cf. generally
epsilon 2299.
[1] For this concept -- literally nearness (of kin) -- see
alpha 407,
alpha 408,
alpha 409.
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 October 2007@08:59:26.
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