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Search results for epsilon,226 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,226
Translated headword: they confiscated
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] they made public property.[1]
Zeno Theoderic had his property confiscated, despite having sent ahead a thousand camel-loads of gold and silver."[2]
And elsewhere: "
Aeschines, when he was collaborating in some legal case and corrupted the jurors, was thrown into jail with them and died of drinking hemlock, and their property was publicly sold, as if they were childless."[3]
Greek Original:*)edhmosi/wsan: dhmo/sion e)poi/hsan. o( de\ *qeude/rixos e)pi\ *zh/nwnos e)dhmosiw/qh xili/as kamh/lous prope/myas xrusi/ou kai\ a)rguri/ou. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ *ai)sxi/nhs, e)peidh\ sunai/rwn e)n di/kh| tini\ die/fqeire tou\s dikasta/s, e)mblhqei\s a(/ma au)toi=s e)n desmwthri/w| kai\ kw/neion piw\n a)pe/qane, kai\ ta\ pra/gmata au)tw=n w(s a)te/knwn e)dhmosiw/qh.
[1] For the glossing cf.
epsilon 225. The headword is evidently quoted from somewhere.
[2] Attributed by Bernhardy to
Malchus (
mu 120); now his fr.25 Cresci.
[3] From
alphaiota 347, q.v.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; historiography; history; law; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 May 2003@10:06:26.
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