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Search results for epsilon,2255 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2255
Translated headword: he was sitting on a hide
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This used to be performed among Scythians. Whenever someone was wronged by another,[1] but wished to defend himself and thought himself not equal alone in combat, he sacrificed an ox, cut the flesh into pieces, and boiled it. Then he spread the hide out on the ground and sat on it, having drawn his hands around to the back. This is the Scythians' greatest act of supplication. Anyone who wishes, taking a portion of the ox's flesh and stepping on the skin with his right foot, promises, each to the best of his ability, to be an ally. And this is their most firm oath.
Greek Original:*)epi\ bu/rshs e)kaqe/zeto: tou=to para\ *sku/qais e)telei=to. e)peida/n tis h)dikei=to pro\s e(te/rou, a)mu/nasqai de\ boulo/menos e(auto\n ou)k a)cio/maxon mo/non w)/|eto, bou=n i(ereu/sas, ta\ me\n kre/a katako/yas h(/yei, au)to\s de\ e)kpeta/sas xamai\ th\n bu/rsan e)ka/qhto e)p' au)th=s ei)s tou)pi/sw paragagw\n tw\ xei=re. kai\ tou=to/ e)sti *sku/qais h( megi/sth i(kethri/a. tw=n de\ krew=n tou= boo\s o( boulo/menos moi=ran lamba/nwn kai\ e)pibai/nwn th=| bu/rsh| to\n decio\n po/da u(pisxnei=tai kata\ du/namin e(/kastos summaxh/sein. kai\ e)/stin au)toi=s tou=to o(/rkwn o( bebaio/tatos.
Apostolius 7.75;
Appendix Proverbiorum 2.80; cf. Lucian,
Toxaris 47-50.
[1] Imperfect in a past general condition is to be found in classical usage (see Smyth's
Greek Grammar, ยง2342 [web address 1]), though the use of an
a)n in the protasis here is unusual.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Timothy Pepper on 25 April 2001@07:07:08.
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