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Search results for epsilon,2223 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2223
Translated headword: you will step on an asp and a basilisk
Vetting Status: high
Translation: For the one injects a lethal poison, and the other causes harm by its glance.
Greek Original:*)epi\ a)spi/da kai\ basili/skon e)pibh/sh|: h( me\n ga\r e)ni/hsi qanathfo/ron i)o/n, o( de\ kai\ th=| qe/a| lw/bhn e)rga/zetai.
Derived from Theodoret's commentary (PG 80.1613b-c) on
Psalm 90(91).13
LXX, where the headword phrase occurs.
For asps cf. (e.g.)
lambda 54. The basilisk is a legendary reptile which was believed to cause death by a single glance.
Pliny the Elder describes the basilisk of Cyrene in his
Natural History 8.33.
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; medicine; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 October 2007@09:28:02.
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