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Search results for epsilon,2207 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2207
Translated headword: aided
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] helped.[1]
"These things, being constantly announced to Antonius, were aiding him in the retreat and made the soldiers more tractable."[2]
And elsewhere: "but in other respects they were aiding the philosophers."[3]
Greek Original:*)eph/rkesen: e)boh/qhsen. tau=ta cunexw=s a)ggello/mena tw=| *)antwni/w| au)to/n te e)ph/rkei ei)s th\n a)poxw/rhsin kai\ tou\s stratiw/tas malakwte/rous e)poi/ei. kai\ au)=qis: ta\ de\ a)/lla toi=s filoso/fois e)ph/rkoun.
[1] Up to this point the entry = Apollonius Sophistes,
Homeric Lexicon 71.31; cf.
Hesychius epsilon4589,
Lexica Segueriana 228.25, scholium to
Iliad 2.873. The headword (aorist indicative active, third person singular, of
e)parke/w [
epsilon 1981]) occurs in
Odyssey 17.568 (web address 1) and, without the final nu, at
Iliad 2.873 (web address 2). The two quotations that follow here include imperfect forms of the verb.
[2] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 25. (Same general context as fr. 26: see under
pi 2708.) For Antonius cf. under
eta 88,
pi 2708.
Life of Isidore fr.285 Zintzen (92 Asmus), quoted more fully at
alpha 1398.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 12 September 2007@21:02:05.
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